
15 Jul 2007

Mari membina blog di

Sudahkah anda mempunyai blog? Jika belum, mari kita bina blog di

Langkah 1.
Aktifkan internet anda dan taip
Anda akan dibawa ke laman web berkenaan.

Sila klik pada “CREATE YOUR BLOG NOW”.
Ini bermakna anda akan membina blog kegemaran anda selepas ini.

Langkah 2.
Anda akan dipaparkan mukasurat “Create a Google Account”.

i. Email address
Masukkan alamat email anda disini. Pastikan email ini telah wujud dan dimiliki oleh anda kerana Blogger akan menghantar maklumat kepada anda. Selain itu, Blogger juga ingin mengesahkan bahawa blog tersebut bukanlah spam dan ianya telah dihasilkan secara manual.

ii. Enter a password
Taipkan kata laluan yang panjangnya sekurang-kurangnya 6 huruf. Pastikan kata laluan tersebut hanya diketahui oleh anda sahaja supaya tiada pencerobohan berlaku terhadap blog anda nanti.

iii. Retype password
Ulangi langkah di atas. Ini bertujuan supaya anda yakin dan pasti bahawa kata laluan tersebut hanya diketahui oleh anda sahaja dan sentiasa diingati.

iv. Display name
Taipkan nama yang akan digunakan untuk dipaparkan pada blog anda. Pastikan juga nama ini mudah disebut dan diingati oleh para blogger yang melawat blog anda.

v. Word verification
Taipkan abjad atau nombor atau kombinasi keduanya pada kotak yang disediakan.

vi. Acceptance of Terms
Klik pada kotak “I accept the Terms of Service” yang disediakan. Anda digalakkan untuk membaca dan memahami terma-terma yang telah ditulis disini. Perkara-perkara yang dilarang perlu dijauhi supaya blog anda tidak akan dipadam secara tiba-tiba.

Seterusnya, klik pada “CONTINUE” untuk langkah selanjutnya.

Langkah 3.
Mukasurat “Name your blog” akan dipaparkan.

i. Blog title
Taipkan nama blog anda. Nama blog ini akan terpapar di bahagian atas blog nanti.
Pilihlah nama yang mudah diingati oleh orang ramai juga enjin pencari. Nama blog
yang pelik akan menyukarkan blog anda dikesan oleh enjin pencari.

ii. Blog address (URL)
Ini merupakan alamat blog anda. Pastikan alamat blog mudah diingati oleh anda untuk tujuan kemaskini pada bila-bila masa. Klik “Check Availability” setelah mengisi alamat blog anda. Blogger akan mengesan samada alamat tersebut masih ada kekosongan. Sekiranya alamat tersebut telah digunakan,anda boleh mencubanya lagi dengan menggunakan alamat lain pula.

iii. Word Verification
Taipkan abjad atau nombor atau kombinasi keduanya pada kotak yang disediakan.
Seterusnya, klik pada “CONTINUE” untuk langkah selanjutnya.

Langkah 4.
Mukasurat “Choose a template” akan dipaparkan.

Anda bebas memilih template yang disediakan disini. Buat masa ini, anda pilih mana-mana template yang memenuhi citarasa diri. Template yang dipilih boleh dikemaskini pada bila-bila masa setelah blog anda berjaya dihasilkan.

Setelah pemilihan template dibuat, klik pada bulatan kecil dan tekan perkataan “CONTINUE”.

Anda juga boleh melihat template yang dipilih dengan klik pada perkataan preview template.
Berikut adalah contoh preview template TicTac:

Mukasurat “Your blog has been created” seperti akan dipaparkan seperti dibawah.

Tahniah! Anda telah berjaya melengkapkan misi yang tidak memerlukan

kemahiran 100% di bidang internet.

Langkah seterusnya ialah menghantar artikel pertama, mengemaskini profil atau mengubahsuai blog mengikut selera anda.

'Ilmu Dikongsi Bersama'

23 Apr 2007

Siapakah Guru Internet Anda?

Ya betul. Siapakah guru internet anda? Siapakah yang menjadi pendorong dan sumber inspirasi anda didalam menempuh liku-liku perjalanan anda sebagai seorang blogger.

Jawapan anda dan saya pastinya berbeza. Kita ambil contoh di negara sendiri. Terdapat ramai anak-anak Malaysia yang telah berjaya mencipta nama sebaris dengan mereka yang berada diluar sana. Namun, saya lebih tertarik dengan guru-guru yang telah menghasilkan idea mereka didalam bahasa yang mudah difahami iaitu Bahasa Melayu. Mereka sebenarnya telah mencurahkan ilmu secara ikhas agar lebih ramai lagi anak Malaysia menuruti jejak mereka. Gaya persembahan yang berbeza juga dapat kita fahami bahawa mereka berada ditahap yang berbeza. Bukan tujuan untuk membandingkan tetapi lebih kepada siapa yang patut kita dahulukan berbekalkan ilmu yang kita ada.

Secara peribadinya, saya begitu asyik mengikuti perkembangan mereka ini didalam pembangunan ilmu internet dan sumber motivasi pada diri sendiri. Sekadar menyebut beberapa nama sahaja.

1. Mohd Zulfadli @ SmartZul
Beliau lebih berpengalaman didalam dunia blog. Ilmu yang dicurahkan amat sesuai kepada mereka yang baru berjinak dengan blog. Tanpa rasa kedekut, ilmu dicurah untuk dikongsi bersama berbekalkan pendidikan yang beliau ada. Penulisannya yang tidak memeningkan kepala membuatkan kita amat selesa dengan ideanya. Saya amat yakin anda akan mahir sekiranya perkembangan beliau dituruti dari mula anda berjinak dengan dunia internet.

2. SaifulSham
Dua pemuda yang handsome dan masih lagi menuntut bergabung tenaga untuk mencurahkan ilmu mereka melalui laman web. Bagi blogger yang betul-betul baru berjinak mungkin tidak berapa sesuai dengan persembahan mereka. Namun ilmu yang dicurahkan begitu meluas sehinggakan saya juga tidak berapa faham beberapa bahagian. Harapan saya supaya anda tidak demikian pula. Gabungan idea mereka amat berkesan dan boleh dijadikan contoh untuk berjaya ketahap yang tinggi lagi.

3. Irfan khairi
Nama yang tidak asing lagi didunia internet. Anak muda yang telah mencipta nama dengan buku terlarisnya untuk tatapan anak Malaysia. Curahan ilmunya begitu meluas untuk dikongsi sesama kita. Menjalankan urusan perniagaannya dari rumah dan kini telah melebarkan sayap dibidang penerbitan pula. Evolve.

Nama-nama inilah sebenarnya yang telah memberi sumber inspirasi dan cetusan motivasi kepada saya untuk terus bergiat didalam dunia blog. Tidak dinafikan juga mereka yang lain yang sanggup mencurahkan ilmu tanpa bayaran untuk tujuan yang sama samada didalam laman Bahasa Melayu atau Bahasa Inggeris. Semoga bilangan anak-anak Malaysia didunia internet semakin bertambah dimasa akan datang.

'Ilmu Dikongsi Bersama'

27 Mar 2007

Blog - Kebaikan/Faedah kepada anda

Kebaikan/Faedah mempunyai Blog adalah terlalu banyak tanpa boleh dibilang dengan jari. Diantara kebaikan/faedah dengan melakukan aktiviti blogging ialah:
Blog semakin popular seperti laman web
Blog membantu anda meluahkan pendapat
Blog memudahkan penghantaran email kepada ahli
Blog membenarkan anda menulis pendapat dengan cepat
Blog membenarkan perhubungan dengan prospek anda
Blog membantu menyampaikan ilmu kepada pengguna
Blog menolong orang awam melihat apa yang anda fikirkan
Blog boleh dilihat oleh sesiapa pun
Blog memaparkan kepakaran anda dan akan diulang lawat
Blog meningkatkan pendedahan anda ke dunia luar
Blog membantu orang awam yang memerlukan maklumat
Blog membantu penjualan produk dan perkhidmatan anda
Blog amat mudah ditulis dan dikemaskini berbanding laman web
Blog tidak memerlukan kepakaran khas melainkan membaca dan menaip
Blog adalah percuma dan mudah dimulakan
Blog meningkatkan kedudukan enjin carian laman web anda
Blog membenarkan orang awam memberi ulasan

‘Ilmu Dikongsi Bersama’

Blog, blogger dan blogging?

Sebelum kita pergi jauh ke dalam dunia blog, takrifan blog, blogger dan blogging perlulah difahami terlebih dahulu supaya perbualan kita adalah senada. Pemahaman ini penting kerana kita secara otomatik akan menggunakan perkataan yang betul didalam melancarkan perbualan atau perbincangan diantara para blogger yang ada di luar sana.

Blog adalah gabungan dua perkataan iaitu web dan log (Weblog). Manakala takrifan/definisi blog ialah laman web yang dihasilkan oleh pengguna dimana penulisan atau pengisiannya dibuat didalam bentuk jurnal. Blog biasanya menyediakan berita atau ulasan/kupasan terhadap sesuatu perkara/subjek seperti berita tempatan, politik, ekonomi, sains, teknologi dan lain-lain.

Blogger adalah pemilik yang menjaga, menulis dan mengemaskini blog tersebut.

Manakala blogging adalah perbuatan atau aktiviti menulis kedalam blog sendiri atau orang lain. Secara mudahnya, blogging ialah menulis tentang sesuatu didalam blog seseorang.

Secara analoginya, anda sentiasa menulis aktiviti harian kedalam diari. Anda adalah pemilik diari tersebut iaitu blogger. Diari adalah tempat anda menulis iaitu blog dan aktiviti anda menulis kedalam diari tersebut adalah blogging.

8 Feb 2007

Top Research Ideas for Your Niche Product

The fundamental mistake made by many niche marketers is they create products based on what they think people want to buy. The correct way of deciding what niche product to create, is to find out what people are actually buying at the moment.

Here are five ways of discovering ideas for niche products which you can sell to make money:

1) Use Forums

With the rapid expansion of the internet, forums (or discussion groups or bulletin boards as they are also called) have proliferated. There are forums hosted all over the internet based on practically every theme imaginable.

Forums are websites where like minded people gather to discuss all sorts of issues pertaining to the theme of the forum. Some of the well moderated forums are extremely active and a good place to conduct research.

When it comes to finding ideas for niche products, you need to use the search engines to locate a number of forums on the theme you are interested in. For example, if you're interested in needlepoint, you could enter needlepoint+bulletin board into the search engine.

Visit each forum and find out what questions people are asking. In addition, find out how many times similar questions are asked. The more frequently a question is asked across a number of forums, the more likely you have found a topic for your next niche product or website.

2) Visit Your Local Book Store

If you are completely stumped for ideas, a visit to your local book or magazine store is in order. People who are keen on a hobby almost always subscribe to related magazines, and if they buy magazines there's a good chance they will buy niche products.

Your task is to discover what magazines are being sold and how quickly they move. It is best to visit a number of stores and compare the common magazines sold in all of them. Try to find out from the sales assistants how many copies they sell of the popular magazines you have identified.

A magazine sold in great number by each store, month after month, is a sure sign of a profitable niche.

3) Investigate eBay

eBay is one of the biggest, if not the biggest single market place on the planet. Millions of people buy a gigantic range of products month after month.

Go to and scroll down the left hand menu, click on "All Categories" and scroll down to the bottom of the page that opens in your browser until you get to the section titled "Other Ways to Browse". Included in that section are four sub-sections, each being ways to conduct your research:
i) eBay Keywords (popular terms being searched for)
ii) Common Searches
iii) eBay Pulse (a daily snapshot of current trends)
iv) Popular Products

From these four you will be able to spot a multitude of popular ideas for your next niche product.

4) Survey Your Website Visitors

If you have an existing website which receives a fair bit of traffic, you can survey that traffic using a popup. In order to entice people into taking the survey you will have to offer some kind of reward. You could even offer extra rewards for people who refer others to your survey.

Normally any web survey you conduct would have to be of a similar theme to your website, but it is possible to conduct a survey to find out your visitor's interests and whether they would be prepared to spend any money on their interest.

They key is to ask simple questions in a manner that won't lead your respondents to any particular answer. When designing your survey, keep in mind you will have to analyze the data and draw conclusions from it. This means keeping your questions "on topic".

The simplest surveys to analyze are those constructed with multiple choice questions. The disadvantage of this is you don't know for sure that the answers are absolute or close (i.e. "second best").

5) Survey Your eMail List

If you have your own email list, you could survey them to find out what problems they are currently facing, or what interests they have. People on your email list will tend to answer more truthfully because there is a degree of trust between you and them.

This degree of trust not withstanding, you will still have to offer an incentive for your subscribers to take the survey. Design your survey the same as you would for a popup on your website.

Quentin Brown has been marketing on the Internet for the past 8 years and has a wealth of knowledge and information he shares with his visitors. Call by his site now for an entertaining experience.

7 Feb 2007

Find the Right Products to Sell on the Internet!

by: Stephen Beck

One of the most common questions I am asked is "What do I sell on the internet?" Well, the answer depends a lot on your personality and HOW you want to sell. In other words, the first question should not be "what sells well on the internet", but "what method of selling am I most comfortable with?" There are essentially three ways to sell products on the internet. Let’s look at each method and the see the advantages and disadvantages of each.

First Method: Buy Wholesale and Sell Retail

This method is as old as human history. Find a product your niche wants, locate a wholesale source for that product, set up your online home business, advertise the product on your web site and ship the product to your customer.


1. You maintain complete control over the sales and delivery process. You decide how much to mark up the wholesale price, not someone else. You also have control over when the item is shipped to your customer, not someone else halfway across the country!

2. You can shop around for the best wholesale price. 3. You can recommend your other products when someone purchases your product.


1. You will end up shipping packages everyday.

2. You will have to pay upfront for inventory and have a place to store it in your home.

3. Since others will be selling the same thing you are, you must be able to out-market your competition.

Second Method: Recommend Products for a Commission

This is also called affiliate marketing. You recommend someone else’s product using a special hyper-link called an affiliate link. When your visitor clicks on that link, the visitor is taken to the other person’s product page, but a cookie tracks the link to you. If a sale results, you get a commission. There is a lot of affiliate marketing information online. Commissions can range from 5% of an order for camping gear to 50% of an information product priced at $1500! Affiliate marketing works for physical products, services, ebooks and anything else under the sun. The key is finding product owners that see the value in sharing a percentage of the sale with those willing to be volunteer sales people for their product. Product owners that see the value of residual income with an online business.


1. You do not have to ship the product - the owner of the product takes care of that. In fact, the owner of the product creates the sales page, collects the money, ships the product and handles the questions and refunds.

2. You do not have to keep the product in inventory 3. Some commissions can be VERY generous.


1. If the product owner has an affiliate program, other people will be selling the exact same product. You must out-market other people and even the owner to make significant sales. You can not merely put up a link and forget about it if you want to make sales!

2. You have no control over the price of the product, the effectiveness of the sales page or the delivery of the product.

3. Although most product owners are honest and want to keep their affiliates happy, you have no leverage when it comes to getting paid. You do not control the money.

Third Method: Create your own product.

This is my favorite way to make money every day online! Once you learn to start an online business, creating your own products is a great way to follow your passion AND sell products that no one else is selling!


1. You have complete control over the sales and delivery process. You determine the price for your own product and you can even cut out the delivery costs be creating a downloadable product.

2. You will gain a huge sense of satisfaction, not to mention instant expert status!

3. You can find a need and then meet it. Creating your own product allows you to be very flexible and meet a targeted need in a very specialized niche.

4. There is no competition for your particular product. You are the ONLY ONE selling your products, unless you allow others to sell it for you, but you have complete control.


1. You can waste a lot of time and money if you have not researched your niche properly.

2. You must find a daily source of new customers.

3. You must find others to help promote your product.

So there you have it - the three basic methods of selling products on the internet. Hopefully, you can look at the advantages and disadvantages of each and determine which method is right for you. But don’t stop with just one. Incorporate all three methods into your online business and you will have a strong, diverse business that whether any economic storm!

About The Author

Stephen Beck, President of, is an expert on teaching non-techies to start a business on the internet. For a FREE 75 min. interview on the fastest way to start a family internet business visit:

Welcome to my blog.

Selamat datang dan terimakasih kerana mengunjungi blog ini. Blog ini bertujuan memberi panduan kepada sesiapa sahaja yang ingin menceburi perniagaan secara on-line dengan teknologi Internet. Semoga kita sama-sama berjaya dan mendapat manfaatnya.

Bantu Membantu Untuk Berjaya!